Daily Archives: October 13, 2011

Fluck Development
Site work for 6,000 square foot home in Sherwood, Oregon. Images reflect site preparations which included excavation during winter months.

Miles Place Pump Station
City of Portland, Bureau of Environmental Services Contract Amount $182,228

Veterans Creek Stream Restoration – City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Services
Contract Amount $50,000

Parker Woods Subdivision
Roundstone Properties Contract Amount $720,487 Parker Woods Subdivision presented a unique challenge of crossing the lake on the property to connect the sewer to city services during a very wet winter.

Hopkins Elementary – Sherwood School District
Contract Amount $364,715 Recommendation – Bob Collins, P.M.P. Construction Manager for Sherwood School District “Braun Construction contracted with the Sherwood School District in the Summer of 2009 to build a new landscaped courtyard where only asphalt and old abandoned drain lines existed previously. It was a challenging project with many unknown site issues …