Tag Archives: stormwater

Fort Vancouver National Historic Site
North Parking Lot Improvements -Federal project for the National Parks Department-Contract amount $1,436,196 Braun Construction completed this project constructing a new three tier pervious parking lot at the Fort Vancouver Historic Site, a part of the National Park system. The park is a culturally sensitive site and archeological monitoring was required for all excavation and …

Hillsboro Outfall Repair
City of Hillsboro Contract Amount $46,755 Job Summary: Construct/repair sanitary & storm sewer, main and water lines, manholes, cleanouts, catch basins, storm water quality & detention facilities, storm outfalls, adjustment of utility structures to grade, sidewalks, curbs, and street paving.

Hazelwood Drive Sewer Replacement
City of Oregon City Contract Amount $849,485 Upsize existing pipes using open trench and horizontal directional drilling (HDD) installation methods. The work will reroute the new sewer main out of sensitive backyards into the street right-of-way Construction of approximately 1450 linear feet of 12-inch and 14-inch sewer main via open-cut and trenchless methods to replace …

Sellwood Bridge-Powers Marine Park Water & Stream Restoration
Multnomah County Contract Amount $244,000 Job Summary: Restore bank along the Willamette River – regrade slope, restore outfall, stream restoration of outfall, build footbridge over outfall with large rocks, construction of energy dissipation systems, build footpath along park, erosion control of slopes. Build weirs and stabilization of slopes. Stormwater management.

Bradford Island
US Army Corps of Engineers Contract Amount $56,737 The US Army Corps of Engineers needed cleaning and videoing storm drain lines from a service building adjacent to a hazardous waste storage area on Bradford Island. Braun Construction had to figure out a way to jet the lines with water and not let the contaminated sludge …

WES Drainage System – Clackamas County
Contract Amount $575,771 Diamond Court New stormwater pipe New stormwater treatment manhole Removal of downed trees and vegetation New maintenance access road William Otty Road Removal and replacement of an existing storm drain Add additional storm drain Removal and replacement of storm pipe and catch basin in William Otty Rd. Add maintenance access Sunny Way …

SE Last Road Street Public Improvements
Clackamas County Contract Amount $442,630 Braun Construction was hired by Clackamas County to provide the following services on SE Last Road Street: road improvements, grading, storm water improvements, new sidewalk, curb and gutter, irrigation, striping and new asphalt paving.

Charbonneau High Priority Utility Repair – City of Wilsonville
Contract Amount $921.783 Charbonneau HP Utility Repair – City of Wilsonville All labor, equipment and materials for the open trench replacement of 2500 lineal feet of storm pipe, between 10″ and 18″ diameter, cure in place installation of approximately 1500 lineal feet of storm pipe between 12″ and 18″ diameter, replacement and restoration of …

Harney Street Water Quality Facility
City of Portland Contract Amount $34,116 Harney Street water quality project adjacent to Johnson Creek. This project constructed a water detention area that will collect runoff from surrounding neighborhoods, helping to clean the water and remove sediment before the water is discharged in to Johnson Creek, regrading Harney Street so that it sheds water away from …

Dickinson Park Stream Enhancement
City of Portland Contract Amount $30,358 Braun Construction removed a pipe, pump house, footbridge, and other structures to restore 68 feet of stream to create wetland and floodplain habitat next to the stream channel. This will help to control flooding, recharge groundwater, trap sediments and pollution, recycle nutrients, and provide habitat. Summer flows from …