Category Archives: Transportation
Road building, heavy civil site work. Street improvements, sidewalk, curb & street gutter

SE Division & SE Orcutt Storm Sewer & Pavement Rehab
City of Sherwood Contract Amount $587,963 This project consisted of installation of storm sewer 10″ and 6″ HDPE pipe, asphalt removal, cement treatment of base, manhole installation, stormwater management, erosion control, asphalt concrete pavement, installation of new concrete sidewalk and curb, traffic control and restoration.

SE Last Road Street Public Improvements
Clackamas County Contract Amount $442,630 Braun Construction was hired by Clackamas County to provide the following services on SE Last Road Street: road improvements, grading, storm water improvements, new sidewalk, curb and gutter, irrigation, striping and new asphalt paving.

Stafford Road Retaining Wall
City of Lake Oswego Contract Amount $133,614 Anchorplex retaining wall systems built with Highland Stone for the City of Lake Oswego.

Hawthorne Stormwater Planters – City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Services
Concrete walls, planters and patio. Stormwater runoff now goes through plants and is filtered. This work was done at the Western Seminary for the City of Portland.

Hopkins Elementary – Sherwood School District
Contract Amount $364,715 Recommendation – Bob Collins, P.M.P. Construction Manager for Sherwood School District “Braun Construction contracted with the Sherwood School District in the Summer of 2009 to build a new landscaped courtyard where only asphalt and old abandoned drain lines existed previously. It was a challenging project with many unknown site issues …