Daily Archives: May 16, 2018

US Moorings Warehouse Paving
US Army Corps of Engineers Contract Amount $76,999 Concrete pavement repair. Asphalt paving. Evacuation driveway and drain line repair.

Albert Kelly Stream Daylighting
City of Portland Contract Amount $150,000 City of Portland – Albert Kelly Stream Daylighting Storm pipe removal. Construction of stream channel and riparian buffer. Install new stream bed and habitat Construction of new stream channel

Sewer & Pavement Rehab – City of Sherwood
City of Sherwood Contract Amount $587.963 City of Sherwood – Division Street and Orcutt Place Storm Sewer and Pavement Rehab Installation of storm sewer, asphalt removal, cement treating of base, asphalt concrete pavement placement, traffic control and restoration.

East Tigard Sewer Improvements
City of Tigard Contract Amount $1,533,595 Installed 1200 lineal feet of new sanitary sewer line and manholes along and across a Fanno creek tributary for the City of Tigard. Project involved treatment and removal of contaminated media treatment, bypass pumping, turbidity monitoring, wetland and vegetative plantings restoration

Water Quality Facility Repair – City Of Tigard
City of Tigard – Greenfield Drive & Ridgefield Lane Water Quality Facility Repair Install storm sewer, retaining wall repair, check dams, swale construction, traffic control and restoration, outfall construction.

Military Road Culvert Replacement
Multnomah County Contract Amount $24,634 Replacement of culvert, excavation and slope repair. Site restoration.