Tag Archives: replacement


Washington County Culvert Replacements

Contract Amount $1,171,930 This project was at three locations where Braun removed and replaced large culverts. One large 108″ corrugated metal pipe in late fall of 2019. Summer of 2020 we installed a large box culvert and another large corrugated pipe. all locations involved subgrade stabilization, embankment, rock and masonry retaining wall construction, keyed riprap, …

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Hazelwood Drive Sewer Replacement

City of Oregon City Contract Amount $849,485 Upsize existing pipes using open trench and horizontal directional drilling (HDD) installation methods. The work will reroute the new sewer main out of sensitive backyards into the street right-of-way Construction of approximately 1450 linear feet of 12-inch and 14-inch sewer main via open-cut and trenchless methods to replace …

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Sherwood - Division Street

SE Division & SE Orcutt Storm Sewer & Pavement Rehab

City of Sherwood Contract Amount $587,963 This project consisted of installation of storm sewer 10″ and 6″ HDPE pipe, asphalt removal, cement treatment of base, manhole installation, stormwater management, erosion control, asphalt concrete pavement, installation of new concrete sidewalk and curb, traffic control and restoration.


Sewer & Pavement Rehab – City of Sherwood

City of Sherwood Contract Amount $587.963 City of Sherwood – Division Street and Orcutt Place Storm Sewer and Pavement Rehab   Installation of storm sewer, asphalt removal, cement treating of base, asphalt concrete pavement placement, traffic control and restoration.