Tag Archives: repair

Pine Meadows Paving
US Army Corps of Engineers – Portland District Contract Amount $794,612 Repair paving, cement treated base, resurface main road, archaeological site monitoring, trench for utilities, striping and wheel stops.

Hillsboro Outfall Repair
City of Hillsboro Contract Amount $46,755 Job Summary: Construct/repair sanitary & storm sewer, main and water lines, manholes, cleanouts, catch basins, storm water quality & detention facilities, storm outfalls, adjustment of utility structures to grade, sidewalks, curbs, and street paving.

Charbonneau High Priority Utility Repair – City of Wilsonville
Contract Amount $921.783 Charbonneau HP Utility Repair – City of Wilsonville All labor, equipment and materials for the open trench replacement of 2500 lineal feet of storm pipe, between 10″ and 18″ diameter, cure in place installation of approximately 1500 lineal feet of storm pipe between 12″ and 18″ diameter, replacement and restoration of …

US Moorings Warehouse Paving
US Army Corps of Engineers Contract Amount $76,999 Concrete pavement repair. Asphalt paving. Evacuation driveway and drain line repair.

Water Quality Facility Repair – City Of Tigard
City of Tigard – Greenfield Drive & Ridgefield Lane Water Quality Facility Repair Install storm sewer, retaining wall repair, check dams, swale construction, traffic control and restoration, outfall construction.

Forest Park Emergency Culvert Repair-City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Services
Contract Amount $149,382