Tag Archives: utilities
Hazelwood Drive Sewer Replacement
City of Oregon City Contract Amount $849,485 Upsize existing pipes using open trench and horizontal directional drilling (HDD) installation methods. The work will reroute the new sewer main out of sensitive backyards into the street right-of-way Construction of approximately 1450 linear feet of 12-inch and 14-inch sewer main via open-cut and trenchless methods to replace …
SE Division & SE Orcutt Storm Sewer & Pavement Rehab
City of Sherwood Contract Amount $587,963 This project consisted of installation of storm sewer 10″ and 6″ HDPE pipe, asphalt removal, cement treatment of base, manhole installation, stormwater management, erosion control, asphalt concrete pavement, installation of new concrete sidewalk and curb, traffic control and restoration.
Charbonneau High Priority Utility Repair – City of Wilsonville
Contract Amount $921.783 Charbonneau HP Utility Repair – City of Wilsonville All labor, equipment and materials for the open trench replacement of 2500 lineal feet of storm pipe, between 10″ and 18″ diameter, cure in place installation of approximately 1500 lineal feet of storm pipe between 12″ and 18″ diameter, replacement and restoration of …
US Moorings Warehouse Paving
US Army Corps of Engineers Contract Amount $76,999 Concrete pavement repair. Asphalt paving. Evacuation driveway and drain line repair.
Albert Kelly Stream Daylighting
City of Portland Contract Amount $150,000 City of Portland – Albert Kelly Stream Daylighting Storm pipe removal. Construction of stream channel and riparian buffer. Install new stream bed and habitat Construction of new stream channel
East Tigard Sewer Improvements
City of Tigard Contract Amount $1,533,595 Installed 1200 lineal feet of new sanitary sewer line and manholes along and across a Fanno creek tributary for the City of Tigard. Project involved treatment and removal of contaminated media treatment, bypass pumping, turbidity monitoring, wetland and vegetative plantings restoration
Forest Park Emergency Culvert Repair-City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Services
Contract Amount $149,382
Miles Place Pump Station
City of Portland, Bureau of Environmental Services Contract Amount $182,228
Parker Woods Subdivision
Roundstone Properties Contract Amount $720,487 Parker Woods Subdivision presented a unique challenge of crossing the lake on the property to connect the sewer to city services during a very wet winter.